
"Lawsuit Takes Aim At Trump-Era Rule Expanding Hunting Grounds"

"Environmentalists on Monday accused the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of imperiling hundreds of vulnerable species when it expanded hunting and fishing on 147 national wildlife refuges and fish hatcheries under President Donald Trump."

Source: Reuters, 11/30/2021

Jaguars In Mexico Are Growing In Number; Conservation Strategies Working

"The jaguar population in Mexico increased by about 800 animals from 2010 to 2018, according to the first two censuses of the elusive carnivores ever conducted in the country. The news confirms that Mexico’s national strategy to protect jaguars is working, researchers reported recently in the journal PLOS One."

Source: Mongabay, 11/23/2021

Congressional Infrastructure Bill Loaded With Local Stories

The massive infrastructure measure signed into law last week is a potential mother lode of stories for environmental journalists. If that is, they can figure out where the money is going. The latest TipSheet takes an initial look at the $1.2 trillion plan and offers guidance on how to track down reportable local and regional projects.

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"After Record Low, Monarch Butterflies Return To California"

"There is a ray of hope for the vanishing orange-and-black Western monarch butterflies. The number wintering along California’s central coast is bouncing back after the population, whose presence is often a good indicator of ecosystem health, reached an all-time low last year."

Source: AP, 11/18/2021


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