
"River Fouled By Mine Waste in Colorado Reopens for Recreation"

"A stretch of river fouled by toxic waste from an abandoned gold mine in southwestern Colorado last week was reopened to kayaking and rafting on Friday while water from river-fed irrigation canals was deemed safe for crops and livestock."

Source: Reuters, 08/17/2015

US Waterways at Risk From 1000s of Defunct Mines Lacking Cleanup Funds

"While crews begin the arduous task of cleaning up Colorado’s Animas River — where contamination by heavy metals and toxins leaked from an abandoned hard rock mine turning the water orange — thousands of other natural sites across the American West remain at risk from similarly hazardous defunct quarries."

Source: Aljazeera America, 08/13/2015

"Rio Water Pollution Suspected as Cause of 13 U.S. Rowers' Illnesses"

"RIO DE JANEIRO - Thirteen rowers on the 40-member U.S. team came down with stomach illness at the World Junior Rowing Championships - a trial run for next summer's Olympics - and the team doctor said she suspected it was due to pollution in the lake where the competition took place."

Source: AP, 08/12/2015


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