
Summer 2021 Algal Bloom Still Expected To Be Mild For Western Lake Erie

"Despite searing heat and heavy showers at various times this month, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is sticking to its prediction that western Lake Erie’s algal bloom this summer will be as small as last year’s and relatively mild overall."

Source: Toledo Blade, 07/01/2021

WH Says Bipartisan Deal Will Get Rid Of All Of The Country's Lead Pipes

"The bipartisan infrastructure agreement reached last week will get rid of all of the country's lead pipes and service lines, according to a new White House memo, but it's not clear how long it will take."

Source: The Hill, 06/30/2021

Journalists Team Up To Continue Colleagues’ Work Exposing Mining Risks

Environmental journalists around the world sometimes pay for their work with their freedom, safety or even their lives. The Forbidden Stories network continues the reporting of some of those journalists, and a team there recently produced an award-winning collaboration to investigate troubles at mining giants in Central America, South Asia and East Africa. “The Green Blood Project” in this month’s Inside Story.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Hungry Grasshoppers Spurred By US Drought Threaten Rangeland"

"Federal agriculture officials are launching what could become their largest grasshopper-killing campaign since the 1980s amid an outbreak of the drought-loving insects that cattle ranchers fear will strip bare public and private rangelands."

Source: AP, 06/25/2021

Enbridge Line 3: "Biden Administration Backs Oil Sands Pipeline Project"

"The Biden administration has defended a contentious pipeline project that would carry hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil through Minnesota’s delicate watersheds, urging in a court brief that a challenge brought by local tribes and environmental groups be thrown out."

Source: NYTimes, 06/25/2021


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