
"Group Cites Chemical Concerns At Military Sites Near Bay"

"The groundwater of at least nine military installations near the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and Virginia is contaminated with high levels of toxic fluorinated “forever chemicals,” according to a report Wednesday by an environmental group that cites Defense Department records."

Source: AP, 08/13/2021

"EPA Ordered To Update Rules On Oil Spill-Fighting Chemicals"

"A federal judge ruled Monday that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency must update nearly three-decade-old regulations about the chemicals that can be used to disperse offshore oil spills, which some environmental groups contend cause serious health problems."

Source: AP, 08/11/2021

"Life On The Houston Fifth Ward’s Plume"

"There's a certain smell that reminds Dianna Cormier-Jackson of her childhood on Leila Street in Houston's Fifth Ward. When she was young in the early 1960s, she recalls the air there feeling "heavy," as if it was thick with oil and gasoline. Some days, the heavy smell would be so strong that her parents would make her and her siblings stay in the house. But on school days, they marched out into the rank air."

Source: Scalawag/EHN, 08/06/2021

Biden Calls For Half Of New Cars To Be Electric Or Plug-In Hybrids By 2030

"President Biden on Thursday unveiled a far-reaching, multipronged plan to make U.S. cars and light trucks more fuel-efficient and to begin a shift to electric vehicles over the coming decade. The move marks one of the administration’s most consequential pushes so far to combat climate change and tackle the nation’s biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions."

Source: Washington Post, 08/06/2021

"Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone 10 Times Bigger Than Lake Pontchartrain"

"This summer's low-oxygen dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico along the Louisiana coast covered 6,334 square miles - 10 times the size of Lake Pontchartrain and well above the average size for the past five years, researchers said Tuesday."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 08/04/2021


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