Nuclear Power & Radiation

Elephant Wrangling on the Energy Beat

More than one observer has compared covering energy to the folk tale about the blind men who try to describe an elephant, and end up shouting at each other because they’ve each grasped a different part of the beast and believe their portion represents the whole thing. Freelancer Jennifer Weeks reports.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Experts Gather To Discuss Electro-Smog"

"MONTREAL — You won’t hear alerts about this kind of smog. It’s called electro-smog and groups worried about the growing use of devices emitting radio frequencies — including cellphones, wireless home networks and smart hydro meters — say it should be taken more seriously."

"On Saturday, they brought medical experts to a Montreal environmental fair to raise awareness about the potential adverse health effects of the radio frequencies.

Source: Montreal Gazette, 05/27/2013


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