Laws & Regulations

Judge Orders Exxon To Produce Records on Leaky Arkansas Pipeline

ExxonMobil lost a bid to keep federal regulators and prosecutors from getting records which might show criminal negligence in its operation of the pipeline that spilled oil into the Arkansas community of Mayflower in March 2013. The judge also threw out Exxon's motion to dismiss a lawsuit against the company.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"U.S. Judge Orders ExxonMobil Produce Documents on Arkansas Spill"

"A U.S. federal judge has denied ExxonMobil Corp's bid to dismiss a government lawsuit and instead ordered the oil giant to hand over documents going back decades on a pipeline that ruptured last year and inundated an Arkansas town with oil."

Source: Reuters, 06/11/2014

"U.S. Supreme Court Refuses, for Now, To Stop BP Oil Spill Payments

"The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined a request from BP to block payments to businesses while the oil giant appeals its 2010 Gulf of Mexico disaster settlement. For the time being, the decision upholds the ruling by the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans that under terms of the settlement, businesses claiming damages from the undersea eruption need not prove direct harm."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 06/10/2014

Will EPA Go Further in Pushing Fracking Fluid Disclosure?

The agency is exploring some of its legal options for improving transparency about fracking fluid. One sign that EPA might be thinking of using its existing Clean Water Act legal authority came when the publication DeSmogBlog published on May 28 a leaked EPA draft suggesting it was considering doing precisely that.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Probe Finds Scant Oversight of Chemical Plants"

"The government has no way of fully knowing which U.S. chemical facilities stock ammonium nitrate, the substance that exploded last year at a Texas fertilizer plant and killed 14 people, congressional investigators say. Outdated federal policies, poor information sharing with states and a raft of industry exemptions point to scant federal oversight, says a new report obtained by The Associated Press."

Source: AP, 05/21/2014


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