Laws & Regulations

"Cape Kiwanda Pedestal: Collapse Could Lead To Fines, Criminal Charges"

"Oregon State Police and Parks officials watched the viral video showing the toppling of a popular sandstone pedestal at Cape Kiwanda earlier this week, and the agencies said Monday they would "review the incident immediately" and decide how to respond to the apparent vandalism."

Source: Portland Oregonian, 09/06/2016

"Black Warrior Riverkeeper Sues Drummond Over Abandoned Coal Mine"

"Conservation groups filed a federal lawsuit Thursday seeking to force Drummond Company to clean up its Maxine Mine, an underground coal mine that has not produced coal in decades, but which the Riverkeeper group says is still leaching mine waste and other pollutants into the Locust Fork of the Black Warrior River."

Source: Alabama Media Group, 09/02/2016


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