Laws & Regulations

Coal Leasing on Federal Lands

While resurrecting the declining U.S. coal industry, as promised by the new administration, is probably not possible, it may not stop a lifting of the moratorium on coal leasing on federal lands. TipSheet looks at how the issue moved front and center, and whether the move would help coal country.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Pipelines and Energy Infrastructure Pose Conflict

Oil pipelines like the Keystone XL and Dakota Access are back at the center of a political firestorm, with a new executive order from President Trump just a few days into his new administration giving them the go-ahead. But it's just the beginning — many other pipelines, for both gas and oil, have been proposed.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"How 21 Kids Could Keep Climate Websites From Going Completely Dark"

"Right now, anxiety is sweeping across the scientific community about the Trump administration's efforts to make climate data disappear. However, there are now a very special group of 21 young Americans, ages nine to 20, who are throwing a sizable wrench in the Trump administration's plans."

Source: Mashable, 01/30/2017
February 9, 2017

DEADLINE: Fellowships for SEJ Workshop "Searching for Truth in the Age of Alternative Facts"

The Society of Environmental Journalists invites SEJ member journalists to apply for a three-day, reporting workshop, "Searching for Truth in the Age of Alternative Facts," that will examine the changing landscape of environmental regulation in Dallas, Texas, April 20-23, 2017. Deadline to apply: Feb 9.


Fla. DEP Secretary Going To Work For Firm That Just Got New DEP Contract

"At the end of January, two things will change about the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. One is that Secretary Jon Steverson will leave his post after two stormy years in charge, to take a new job with the law firm of Foley & Lardner. The other is that Steverson's new employers at Foley & Lardner will take over representing Florida in handling the billions of dollars awarded to the state as a result of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster."

Source: Tampa Bay Times, 01/25/2017


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