Laws & Regulations

Proposed Mine Outside Georgia’s Okefenokee Swamp Nears State Approval

"A company’s plan to mine minerals near the edge of the Okefenokee Swamp and its federally protected wildlife refuge neared final approval Friday as Georgia regulators released draft permits for the project, which opponents say could irreparably harm a natural treasure."

Source: AP, 02/12/2024

Chemical Plants, Terrorism and Regulations May Be Back on the Agenda

For years, high-risk U.S. industrial facilities fell under a federal anti-terrorism program to ensure their potentially lethal chemicals would not become terrorist targets. But when the program expired last year, something unexpected happened. Veteran chemical industry reporter Jeff Johnson has a behind-the-scenes look at the maneuvering over how best to secure the country’s dangerous chemical stores.

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"Feds Weigh Protections For Tiny Snail Near Massive Lithium Mine"

"The Fish and Wildlife Service has launched an in-depth study of whether a teensy-tiny snail that inhabits springs in a small slice of lithium-rich Nevada desert should enjoy federal protections under the Endangered Species Act."

Source: E&E News, 02/09/2024

EPA Reports “Widespread Noncompliance” With Regulations on Toxic Coal Ash

"A glaring loophole already had allowed at least a half-billion tons of the waste to go unregulated. Now the agency says many of the facilities that are subject to the rules do not comply."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/09/2024

Climate Scientist Mann Wins $1 Million Verdict Against Right-Wing Bloggers

"Michael Mann, a prominent climate scientist, won his long-standing legal battle against two right-wing bloggers who claimed that he manipulated data in his research and compared him to convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky, a major victory for the outspoken researcher."

Source: Washington Post, 02/09/2024


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