Laws & Regulations

Enviros Will Sue Over Allegheny Co. Inactivity on Air Pollution Permits

"The Clean Air Council has filed notice it will sue the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency unless the agency forces the Allegheny County Health Department to review and issue long overdue operating permits for many of the county’s biggest industrial air pollution sources."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 03/06/2018

Communities Sued Big Oil Over Climate Change; Then The Backlash Began

"If you live in a city or county that sues oil companies over climate change, prepare for a blowback. ExxonMobil and other fossil fuel giants are taking legal action against such local governments, seeking to undermine a key part of their finances — their relationship with lenders."

Source: McClatchy, 03/05/2018

"Week Ahead: House Takes Up Bills Targeting EPA Regs"

"The House will move in the coming week on a trio of regulatory and energy bills. The Rules Committee has scheduled a meeting Monday to begin looking at the three proposals: the Satisfying Energy Needs and Saving the Environment Act, the Blocking Regulatory Interference from Closing Kilns Act and the Comprehensive Regulatory Review Act."

Source: The Hill, 03/05/2018


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