Journalism & Media

"Group Wants Probe of Whether Fla. Banned Climate-Change Talk"

"Did Florida Gov. Rick Scott's administration ban state environmental scientists from using the terms 'climate change' and 'global warming' in their work? ... Now, an environmental group is asking for a state investigation to get to the bottom of it."

Source: AP, 03/11/2015

Activists, Scientists Blast Scott for "Orwellian" Ban on Climate Talk

"Climate change activists blasted Florida Governor Rick Scott on Monday for leading an 'Orwellian' campaign to ban employees of the state's lead environmental agency from using such terms as 'global warming' and 'climate change.'"

Source: Reuters, 03/10/2015

‘Anti-Petroleum’ Movement a Growing Security Threat To Canada: Mounties

"The RCMP has labelled the 'anti-petroleum' movement as a growing and violent threat to Canada’s security, raising fears among environmentalists that they face increased surveillance, and possibly worse, under the Harper government’s new terrorism legislation."

Source: Toronto Globe & Mail, 02/19/2015


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