Journalism & Media

October 11, 2015

DEADLINE: UNDP Climate Change Storytelling Contest

This United Nations Development Programme contest provides young journalists in developing countries a unique opportunity to contribute to the global debate on climate change in the run-up to COP21, while building their capacity, and providing recognition for excellence. Winners will be funded to attend and cover COP21. Enter by Oct 11.


"NatGeo Gives Fox Control of Media Assets in $725 Million Deal"

"Ever since it was launched from the temple-like headquarters of the National Geographic Society in Washington in 1888, National Geographic magazine has illuminated the world’s hidden places and revealed its natural wonders. On Wednesday, the iconic ­yellow-bordered magazine, beset by financial issues, entered its own uncharted territory. In an effort to stave off further decline, the magazine was effectively sold by its nonprofit parent organization to a for-profit venture whose principal shareholder is one of Rupert Murdoch’s global media companies."

Source: Wash Post, 09/10/2015

"Food Industry Enlisted Academics in G.M.O. Lobbying War, Emails Show"

"At Monsanto, sales of genetically modified seeds were steadily rising. But executives at the company’s St. Louis headquarters were privately worried about attacks on the safety of their products. So Monsanto, the world’s largest seed company, and its industry partners retooled their lobbying and public relations strategy to spotlight a rarefied group of advocates: academics, brought in for the gloss of impartiality and weight of authority that come with a professor’s pedigree."

Source: NY Times, 09/07/2015

"Is Chipotle Evil? This Ad Campaign Says Absolutely"

"This morning, a new, controversial ad campaign hit the press. New Yorkers, en route to work, were likely the first to see it, because its inaugural imprint was in the New York Post, in the form of a full-page advertisement. And it isn't at all kind to Chipotle."

Source: Wash Post, 09/04/2015

"There Is Literally A US Government Conspiracy Against Vegan Mayo"

"Hampton Creek, the food technology company, has apparently been the subject of much discussion at the American Egg Board—an egg research and promotion program overseen by the US Department of Agriculture. Newly released documents show high-level members of the American Egg Board, a USDA employee, and an outside PR firm discussing strategies for dealing with Just Mayo, Hampton Creek’s plant-based mayonnaise substitute, the Associated Press first reported."

Source: Quartz, 09/03/2015

"Welcome to Beautiful Parkersburg, West Virginia"

The story of how a DuPont chemical called C8, or PFOA, harmed the health of people around Parkersburg, WV, is an epic one that resulted in a huge class-action settlement. "DuPont deceived as many people as they could deceive as for as long as they could," one resident said. Under the current regulatory system, the same thing could happen again.

Source: Huffington Post, 08/28/2015


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