Journalism & Media

Grazing on Public Lands Still a Source of Controversy … and Stories

As the Society of Environmental Journalists heads to Colorado this week for its annual gathering, it’s a good time to consider how to report on the vast public lands throughout the western United States. The latest TipSheet explores the history of conflict over public lands, the stories they yield and the resources needed to better report the issue.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Pipeline Data Offer Story Leads

Compelling pipeline stories can be found throughout the United States, but first you need to know where the pipelines are. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox looks at the best source of pipeline data, which offers a wealth of government information on location, incidents and enforcement. But there are caveats as well.

SEJ Publication Types: 

US Group Forms To Defend Natural Gas Against Anti-Fossil Fuel Measures

"A group backed by anonymous donors launched a campaign on Monday to promote the benefits of cheap, abundant natural gas against what it called “radical” proposals like the Green New Deal that would phase out use of the fossil fuel."

Source: Reuters, 10/01/2019

Lawmakers Show Bipartisan Pique At Interior Over Withheld Documents

"Bipartisan dissatisfaction with the Department of the Interior was on display Thursday as lawmakers on the House Natural Resources Committee probed the difficulties they’ve faced in getting information on department business."

Source: The Hill, 09/27/2019
October 18, 2019

DEADLINE: IJNR's Asian Carp at the Gates of the Great Lakes: A Workshop for Journalists

Join the Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources in Chicago, Nov 3-5, 2019, for a workshop on Asian carp: How they got here, current efforts to protect America's waterways, and what the future of this invasive species might hold. $25 registration fee includes lodging, local travel and meals. Only a few spots left. Registration closes Oct 18 at noon ET.


"Senate Confirms Top Interior Lawyer Accused Of Lying To Congress"

"The Senate voted to confirm a top lawyer for the Department of the Interior who was accused of lying to Congress. Daniel Jorjani, already the de facto top lawyer for the department, was confirmed with a 51-43 vote. He is the subject of an ongoing review by the Interior Department’s Office of the Inspector General."

Source: The Hill, 09/25/2019


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