
May 22, 2011 to May 26, 2011

2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress

The American Society of Civil Engineers' Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) invites you to the 2011 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress in Palm Springs on May 22-26, 2011. This year's technical program focuses on “Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability,” to help the environmental and engineering community integrate sustainability into their work.

May 5, 2011 to May 6, 2011

The City: 2nd International Conference

Part of Interdisciplinary Themes Conferences, The City: 2nd International Conference will focus on culture, society and technology in the urban environment.

April 15, 2011

Green Business Forum at the Green Living Show

Join us as leading businesses and NGOs discuss the environmental impacts of Canada’s resource-based economy at The Green Living Show’s Business Forum in Toronto, Ontario. Gain a better understanding of the key economic and environmental issues from key players who outline their challenges and accomplishments as they seek common ground on goals that often compete — profit and the planet.


Wildfire Mitigation Work Continues This Spring

Wildfire season has begun. Some of the areas going up in flames include the increasingly developed zone known as the wildland-urban interface, where fire risks are most apparent to people. One of the steps being taken to help reduce the hazard is fuel reduction work that thins out or removes dense tree stands, making them less prone to wildfire, or at least easier to control when they do burn.

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