
Global Talks Offer Chance To Improve US Extractive Industries Transparency

An initiative involving some 35 nations aims to solve many complex revenue-reporting problems, including improving the flow of information across national borders. But solutions can't even begin until individual nations get a grip on accurate data about extractive industries within their own borders. The results could illuminate key environmental policy issues.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 19, 2012 to April 25, 2012

Sustainatopia 2012 - Miami

Sustainatopia is one of the world's largest events regarding social, financial and environmental responsibility. "Sustainatopia 2012" will include over 50 individual events in film, art, music, eco-fashion, food, design, authors’ series and parties at many locations throughout Miami. One of these, "Impact & Our Oceans" on April 23, is the first annual impact investment conference focused entirely on oceans.



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