Fish & Fisheries

New NOAA Fishery Advisers Appointed

Thirteen new members join the ranks; 8 others are reappointed. The shift in members provides an opportunity to explore what each Council has been doing, whether the new people will shift its direction (and NOAA's), and what the fishing industry, the public, and various interest groups think about past decisions and future directions.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 
June 21, 2011 to June 23, 2011

First International Conference on Food and Environment - The Quest for a Sustainable Future

The First International Conference on Food and the Environment in the UK will focus on a variety of issues affecting food production and distribution including those related to natural and anthropogenic causes. The conference will emphasise the effects of modern food production processes and how they can affect human health.

June 6, 2011

National Security, Economic Well-Being, and the Law of the Sea

Sponsored by the Environmental Law Institute, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation and Capitol Hill Ocean Week, this seminar in DC features international ocean management experts exploring the relevance of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to national security and economic well-being.



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