Environmental Politics

"UN Climate Talks Aim To Pave Way For Global Carbon Market"

"Economists say that carbon markets ... can become a powerful tool in the fight against climate change, by giving emitters a financial incentive to reduce greenhouse gases. But despite making progress in other areas, governments have for years been unable to agree on the rules that would allow truly global trade in carbon permits to flourish."

Source: AP, 12/06/2019

Most States Have Cut Environmental Budgets, Staffing Since 2008: Study

"Most U.S. states have cut funding and staffing at their environmental agencies over the past decade, according to a study by a green advocacy group, raising questions about the Trump administration’s policy to shift more enforcement of federal environmental laws to states."

Source: Reuters, 12/06/2019

"Supreme Court Wary of Disrupting Superfund Cleanup"

"A debate over Montana landowners’ potential liability for toxic metals in their backyards, deposited over decades of smelting operations, dominated oral arguments involving the landowners, the U.S. EPA, and Atlantic Richfield Co. before the Supreme Court Dec. 3."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 12/04/2019

Climate Impacts: Insurers Cherry-Pick Homes, Leave Flooded Ones For Feds

"Taxpayers could be forced to spend billions of dollars to bail out the federal government's flood program as private-sector insurers begin covering homes with little risk of flooding while clustering peril-prone properties in the indebted public program."

Source: ClimateWire, 12/04/2019


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