Environmental Politics

Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks Find Opposition Within: Staff Scientists

"Federal scientists and lawyers, told to undo regulations that some have worked on for decades, have embedded data into technical documents that environmental lawyers are using to challenge the rollbacks."

Source: NY Times, 03/30/2020

"EPA’s Relaxed Enforcement Amid Virus Draws Mixed State Reaction"

"State regulators are giving mixed responses to the EPA’s relaxed enforcement on a range of environmental obligations by facilities affected by the coronavirus pandemic."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 03/30/2020

A Source Toolbox for Climate Change Reporting in the Emerald Corridor

As part of the “Covering Your Climate: The Emerald Corridor” special report, we’ve collected a wide range of resources to help reporters track down climate stories throughout the Pacific Northwest. You’ll find an array of government, academic and NGO links for Oregon, including Portland; Washington, including Seattle; and British Columbia, including Vancouver, as well as from regional, national and international resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Pacific Northwest Rides Adaptation Wave

The final entry in our multi-week “Covering Your Climate: The Emerald Corridor” special report explores how the Pacific Northwest is adapting to climate change, whether it’s new approaches to working the land, changing critical infrastructure or rethinking our mindset. Read this last tipsheet, plus check out our earlier reports on climate mitigation and on climate impacts, plus our stage-setting backgrounder and a reporter’s resource toolkit.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 2, 2020

SEJ Webinar: Covering a Crisis: Climate, Coronavirus, and Global (In)Action

How should the media cover a crisis? SEJ's 2020 webinar series launches with a discussion of the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic that could inform how journalists, scientists and advocates communicate about and address climate change. Join panelists Denis Hayes, The Earth Day Network and The Bullitt Foundation; Alice Hill, Council on Foreign Relations; and John Mecklin, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, moderated by Guardian US' Emily Holden. All journalists welcome for this free event, Noon-1:00 p.m. ET. Sign up to join or receive the recording.


Trump DOE Suspends Emergency Oil Purchase After Congress Denies Funding

"The Energy Department is suspending its plan to buy low-priced oil to restock the nation’s emergency Strategic Petroleum Reserve after Congress chose not to provide funding for the purchase in its emergency pandemic relief package."

Source: Washington Examiner, 03/27/2020

Bernhardt Refuses To Let Grand Canyon National Park Close Amid COVID-19

"Hours after Coconino County officials in Arizona, frustrated that Grand Canyon National Park is still open despite the worsening coronavirus pandemic, urged Interior Secretary David Bernhardt on Thursday to follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and close the park, the National Park Service announced some operational changes at the park."

Source: National Parks Traveler, 03/27/2020

"Trump’s Push To Open Economy Could Come At Cost Of Lives"

"The contrast could hardly be more stark. Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York has said that if all of his sweeping, expensive measures to stem the coronavirus saved one life, it would be worth it. President Donald Trump has another view: The costs of shutting down the economy outweigh the benefits, frequently telling Americans that 35,000 people a year die from the common flu."

Source: AP, 03/27/2020

"E.P.A., Citing Coronavirus, Drastically Relaxes Rules for Polluters"

"The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday announced a sweeping relaxation of environmental rules in response to the coronavirus pandemic, allowing power plants, factories and other facilities to determine for themselves if they are able to meet legal requirements on reporting air and water pollution."

Source: NY Times, 03/27/2020


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