Environmental Politics

HHS Renews $10.2 Million Contract For COVID-19 Data Tracking Company

"The Department of Health and Human Services decided to award a second $10.2 million, six-month contract to TeleTracking Technologies even though Congressional committees are investigating the process by which the contract was awarded and the HHS Inspector General is looking at how the company is securing the information it is gathering, an NPR Investigation has learned."

Source: NPR, 10/05/2020

Long-Delayed Trump USGS Study Finds That Climate Threatens Polar Bears

"After stalling for months, a top Trump official released a polar bear study by government scientists Friday that highlights the endangered animals’ vulnerability to climate change and the fact that proposed oil drilling in Alaska would probably encroach on their habitat, causing more stress."

Source: Washington Post, 10/05/2020

EPA Finalizes Rule Letting Some Big Polluters Follow Weaker Standards

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Thursday finalized a rule that could reclassify many “major” sources of pollution as minor ones, allowing facilities to abide by less-stringent emissions standards for dangerous substances such as mercury, lead and arsenic."

Source: The Hill, 10/02/2020

"EPA Lets Two Toxic Chemicals Fall Into Regulatory ‘Black Hole’"

"The EPA has failed to regulate or review two fragrance ingredients considered to be among the most hazardous chemicals in production—and among those Congress directed the agency to address faster than any others."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 10/01/2020

"$215M in BP Oil Spill Money To Restore Louisiana Marshes"

"Louisiana will get nearly $215 million in BP oil spill money for two projects planned to restore more than 4,600 acres of marsh and other habitat in the New Orleans area, Gov. John Bel Edwards said."

Source: AP, 10/01/2020

Coal Boss Murray Files for Black Lung Benefits After Fighting Regs

"Robert E. Murray, the former CEO and president of the now-bankrupt Murray Energy, has filed an application with the U.S. Department of Labor for black lung benefits. For years, Murray and his company fought against federal mine safety regulations aimed at reducing the debilitating disease."

Source: WV Public Broadcasting, 10/01/2020


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