Energy & Fuel

Transmission Superhighway May Carry Coal Power to Northeast

SolveClimate founder David Sassoon explains March 24, 2009, how energy policies and East-West differences in power transmission needs are quietly leaving the door open for the cheapest, dirtiest coal power to flood the Northeast under plans for what is intended to be a green transmission superhighway.
Author contact information: David Sassoon
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"Some See Daylight at Last for U.S. Feed-In Tariffs"

"With Congress and President Obama championing green energy, the solar industry sees an opening to pursue a goal it long considered unattainable: European-style subsidies for sun-generated power. The national trade group for solar manufacturers is discussing whether it should push for a national feed-in tariff, a funding mechanism that forces utilities to buy green power at premium prices. Popular in Germany and Spain, feed-in tariffs have gained little traction in the United States. But that is changing.

Source: Greenwire, 03/25/2009

Feds Revising Bush Offshore Energy Development Plan

After years of effort, and despite a last-minute gambit by the outgoing President Bush, US policy for offshore energy development is going back to the drawing board. DOI is extending by six months the public comment period on the country's 5-year plan.
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Public Comment Open for Renewable Energy Zones

The Western Governors' Association and the US DOE begin Phase 1 of a 4-phase process, with initial designation of suitable zones for renewable power generation in the western US, Canada, and Mexico.
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