Energy & Fuel

"Md. Judge Lets Wind Out of Turbine Plan's Sails"

"Wind turbines can kill a few Indiana bats without endangering the species but the owners must ask for permission first, U.S. District Judge Roger Titus ruled on Dec. 8. Titus blocked construction of 82 turbines in Greenbrier County, W.Va., and restricted 40 turbines already under construction to seasonal operation."

Source: West Virginia Record, 12/11/2009

6,000 Sign Petition Asking NY DEC To Strengthen Gas-Drilling Regs

"An Ithaca environmental activist and 6,000 other individuals and organizations asked the governor Tuesday to withdraw the state's newly drafted regulations on natural gas drilling, saying the state's entire regulatory framework needs to be strengthened before more drilling occurs."

Source: Ithaca Star-Gazette, 12/09/2009


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