Energy & Fuel

"Shell Faces Pushback As Alaska Drilling Nears"

"The federal government could soon give the final go-ahead for Royal Dutch Shell to begin drilling for oil in the Arctic Ocean. Shell has spent $4 billion since 2007 to prepare for this work, and is hoping to tap into vast new deposits of oil."

"But the plan to drill exploratory wells is controversial — opposed by environmental groups and some indigenous people as well.

Source: NPR, 06/20/2012
June 29, 2012

USFWS Wind Energy Guidelines Implementation Workshop

This interactive workshop in Washington DC, co-sponsored by the Environmental Law Institute, Hogan Lovells LLP, and Defenders of Wildlife, will provide an overview of the recently published final FWS Onshore Wind Guidelines. Open to the public but registration is required by June 22nd.


22ava Conferencia Anual de SEJ en Lubbock, Texas, Oct. 17-21, 2012

Ya están abiertas las inscripciones a la conferencia de SEJ de 2012. No espere. Inscríbase ya para escoger entre los siempre populares tours, el excelente taller para escritores freelance, y otros eventos de asistencia limitada. Nuestro anfitrión este año es Texas Tech University, y el director de la conferencia es Randy Lee Loftis, veterano escritor del diario Dallas Morning News. Lea el borrador de la agenda, las opciones de alojamiento y transporte, halle con quién compartir la habitación, y más. © Foto: Palo Duro Canyon State Park (apodado “el Gran Cañón de Texas”, y lugar del Tour 6 del jueves), cortesía de Earl Nottingham/Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.


E-Mail Disclosure Could Play Role in BP Gulf Spill Case

A federal judge has denied BP's bid to see 21 e-mails and other documents sent between the White House and other federal agencies. More chilling, perhaps, was BP's effort to get e-mails sent by two private-sector scientists in an apparent effort to discredit their work.

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Topics on the Beat: 

International Energy Agency Calls for Fracking Transparency

A new report from the IEA includes guidelines emphasizing transparency and the monitoring of environmental and social impacts. That includes full disclosure of fracking fluid ingredients and testing of baseline water and air conditions before drilling begins.

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Enviros Challenge Transparency of Virginia Uranium Mining Deliberations

A company wants to mine Virginia's major uranium deposit so the state formed a multi-agency panel to study ending the three-decade ban on uranium mining. That panel hired a consulting firm that critics say was stacked with experts affiliated with the nuclear industry.

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