Energy & Fuel

"Natural-Gas Windfall Wanes"

"MANSFIELD, La.—The brilliant green artificial turf on high-school football fields here serves as a vivid symbol of the natural-gas boom that brought prosperity to this traditionally poor corner of northwest Louisiana.

But the foundation of this wealth has started to crumble. The price of natural gas has plunged to a 10-year low, prompting a flight of energy companies from gas fields across the country.

Source: Wall St. Journal, 03/15/2012

"A Drill to Replace Crucial Transformers (Not the Hollywood Kind)"

The nation's entire electrical grid depends on about 2,100 high-voltage transformers spread throughout the country. Recently, engineers and homeland security officials held a drill to practice replacing one or more if some are knocked out.

"The electric grid, which keeps beer cold, houses warm, and city traffic from turning to chaos, depends on about 2,100 high-voltage transformers spread throughout the country.

Source: NY Times, 03/15/2012

"Energy Dept. Oversight on Loans Is Inadequate, GAO Says"

"The Energy Department is mismanaging oversight of $34 billion in taxpayer-backed loans for green-energy and other projects, congressional auditors said Monday in a new report."

"The Government Accountability Office said it took Energy Department staff more than three months to come up with data on the status of applications for loan guarantees, leading auditors to question whether oversight of the program is timely or fair to companies seeking federal subsidies.

Source: Wash Post, 03/14/2012
April 19, 2012 to April 25, 2012

Sustainatopia 2012 - Miami

Sustainatopia is one of the world's largest events regarding social, financial and environmental responsibility. "Sustainatopia 2012" will include over 50 individual events in film, art, music, eco-fashion, food, design, authors’ series and parties at many locations throughout Miami. One of these, "Impact & Our Oceans" on April 23, is the first annual impact investment conference focused entirely on oceans.

April 16, 2012

The Questions that Should be Asked: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources in the Presidential Race

The Society of Environmental Journalists and the Environmental Law Institute will co-host a panel  — open to the public and press — at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., moderated by the AP's Dina Cappiello. Experts with broad policy experience will discuss their answers to two key questions: "What should the presidential candidates discuss concerning the important issues of environment, energy, and natural resources facing the people of the United States?" and "What questions should be asked of candidates in the presidential debates that will help us learn how they will confront these issues?"


"Solyndra Is Blamed as Clean-Energy Loan Program Stalls"

The Democrat-controlled Senate Energy Committee will hold a hearing today [Tuesday] which could turn the table on the House's highly politicized hearings condemning the Obama administration's administration of the Congress-passed energy loan program. Energy Sec. Steven Chu will testify.

Source: NY Times, 03/13/2012


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