Energy & Fuel

"Doctors Urge U.S. to Block Gas Export Terminals"

"More than 100 physicians urged the Obama administration on Thursday not to approve the construction of liquefied natural gas export terminals until more is known about the health effects of hydraulic fracturing, the drilling process that has opened the way for a big increase in domestic gas production."

Source: Green/NYT, 12/14/2012

"Fossil-Fuel Funded Operatives Litter the Mainstream Media"

"Have you ever found yourself reading a news article or op-ed in which an 'expert' from a distinguished-sounding 'think tank' or 'institute' seeks to distort or attack climate change science or, alternately, decries public investment in clean energy solutions, and wonder in whose interest this individual and their organization is operating?"

Source: DeSmogBlog, 12/13/2012

Coal Slurry Database May Help Reporters Find Problem Impoundments

A fatal November 30, 2012, collapse of part of a coal-slurry impoundment in West Virginia served as a reminder of safety issues that may not be adequately regulated in some states and localities. You can locate local coal-slurry impoundments and information on their status with an online public database.

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