Energy & Fuel

Oil Rig off Alaska Is Damaged but Not Leaking: Shell, Coast Guard Say

"A Shell Oil drilling rig that ran aground in the Gulf of Alaska has incurred water damage to its deck and electrical systems but is otherwise stable, officials with the response team handling the accident said Thursday."

Source: NY Times, 01/04/2013

Transocean Settles for $1.4 Billion in Gulf Oil Spill"

"Transocean, the owner of the Deepwater Horizon rig that was drilling the BP Macondo well when it caught fire and sank off the Louisiana coast in 2010, beginning the nation's largest oil spill, has agreed to plead guilty to a single criminal misdemeanor violation of the Clean Water Act and pay $1.4 billion in civil and criminal fines to settle violations of the Clean Water Act and federal offshore drilling safety regulations, the company and the U.S. Justice Department announced today."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 01/04/2013

Do Mainstream Media Disclose "Experts'" Links to Oil and Gas Industry?

Too often stories fail to disclose such industry ties, which might call into question the experts' objectivity. The Checks and Balances Project, an energy watchdog group, did an analysis of coverage in 60 publications over a five-year period with very interesting results.

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