Energy & Fuel

Find the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of a Plant Near You

Environmental journalists may find a story by asking about the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of a nearby coal-burning power plant or major chemical refinery. A new online EPA database gives information about the largest GHG emitters, makes the query easier and the answers more accurate.

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Topics on the Beat: 

"Anti-Fracking Activists Denied Injunction in Canada"

"FREDERICTON, Canada -- A judge ruled here Monday against an injunction to suspend controversial shale gas exploration activities in Kent County, New Brunswick, which last month created headlines across North America when protests in the area turned violent as activists burned police cars amid dozens of arrests."

Source: Aljazeera, 11/19/2013

Washington: "Coal Loses Ballot Test"

"County council elections turn on local issues, but the recent ballot in Washington State's Whatcom County drew big money and national interest. As Ashley Ahearn of public media's EarthFix reports,these councillors must approve any permit for a huge coal export facility, and those elected are considered by many to be opponents of such a coal terminal."

Source: Living on Earth/EarthFix, 11/18/2013


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