Energy & Fuel

"Drilling for Certainty: The Latest in Fracking Health Studies"

"For years, environmentalists and the gas drilling industry have been in a pitched battle over the possible health implications of hydro fracking. But to a great extent, the debate — as well as the emerging lawsuits and the various proposed regulations in numerous states — has been hampered by a shortage of science."

Source: ProPublica, 03/06/2014

Study: KXL Would Have Much Larger Impact Than State Dept Suggests

"WASHINGTON -- The State Department's final environmental impact analysis for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline downplays the significance the pipeline would have for development of the Canadian tar sands, according to a new analysis from a United Kingdom-based group. The analysis also argues that the State Department underestimated the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that would come with that development."

Source: Huffington Post, 03/04/2014

"Keystone XL Opponents Turn Attention To U.S. Crude Oil Export Ban"

"WASHINGTON -- As the years-long fight over the Keystone XL pipeline grinds toward resolution, green groups are broadening their focus to include the possibility that the Obama administration will loosen curbs on how much oil and gas the United States exports."

Source: Reuters, 03/04/2014

"Native Americans Vow a Last Stand To Block Keystone XL Oil Pipeline"

"Faith Spotted Eagle figures that building a crude oil pipeline from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast would bring little to Indian Country besides more crime and dirty water, but she doubts that Native Americans will ever be able to get the U.S. government to block the $7 billion project."

Source: Reuters, 03/04/2014


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