Energy & Fuel

Coal Exports: Oakland Piles More Pollution on a Polluted Community

"For Margaret Gordon, West Oakland is home. So when she learned that a new shipping terminal would be bringing coal right through the heart of it, Gordon was angry. They’d been promised this wouldn’t happen. She joined the hundreds of residents who showed up at City Council to voice their concerns."

Source: Grist, 10/14/2015

"Oil Sands Boom Dries Up in Alberta, Taking Thousands of Jobs With It"

"FORT McMURRAY, Alberta — At a camp for oil workers here, a collection of 16 three-story buildings that once housed 2,000 workers sits empty. A parking lot at a neighboring camp is now dotted with abandoned cars. With oil prices falling precipitously, capital-intensive projects rooted in the heavy crude mined from Alberta’s oil sands are losing money, contributing to the loss of about 35,000 energy industry jobs across the province."

Source: NY Times, 10/13/2015

"What Exxon Knew About the Earth's Melting Arctic"

"Back in 1990, as the debate over climate change was heating up, a dissident shareholder petitioned the board of Exxon, one of the world’s largest oil companies, imploring it to develop a plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from its production plants and facilities."

Source: LA Times, 10/12/2015


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