Energy & Fuel
"Baltimore Biofuel Plant Heats Up"
"The thick, milky white liquid looks like Elmer's glue, though it's greasy to the touch. It has a sweet, alcohol smell. It's not your father's heating oil, to be sure. But it will do the same job, says Cary J. Claiborne, and a lot more cleanly.
Claiborne is president and chief executive officer of New Generation Biofuels, a Florida-based startup that's producing fuel from vegetable and soybean oil at a small production plant it set up this year in southern Baltimore.
"Wind Power Gets Urban Friendly"
Chase for Wind Power Turns to Public Lands
MI, IL, NY Mull Alt-Energy Incentives for Schools
Interest Surges in Neglected Geothermal
"FERC Approves Quebec-New England Power Line Plan"
Cape Cod Wind Farm Wins Key State Permit
"Renewable Power Overcomes Hurdle in Senate"
"Gas Is Up; Drivers May Not Cut Back"