Energy & Fuel

Biofuels: The Sequel — The Science Behind Second Generation Biofuels

Making fuel from cellulose? Will it be the fuel of the future and how is the U.S. system promoting or haring it? New political carrots and sticks are leading the biofuels industry into a second generation phase, and many critics of the biofuels industry think it's long overdue. The question for the industry, though, is whether the science is ready to scale up.

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Topics on the Beat: 
August 12, 2009

DEADLINE: McCormick Specialized Reporting Institute on Energy Solutions

This all-expenses-paid conference will convene September 20-22 at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. Co-hosted by the Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism, the John Glenn School of Public Affairs, Ohio State's Institute for Energy and the Environment, and Battelle.


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