Climate Change

150 Nations Will Sign Paris Climate Accord at U.N. Friday

"Representatives from more than 150 countries will gather at the United Nations on Friday to officially sign a global accord aimed at slashing greenhouse gas emissions and slowing climate change. But in the four months since that historic pact was negotiated in Paris, a drumbeat of grim scientific findings has underscored that staving off the worst consequences of global warming may take far more aggressive actions."

Source: Wash Post, 04/21/2016

The U.S. Has Been Emitting A Lot More Methane Than We Thought, Says EPA

"The Environmental Protection Agency has released a major upward revision to its estimates of total emissions of methane, a hard-hitting if short-lived greenhouse gas, in an annual inventory that the agency submits to the United Nations. The revisions will further up the stakes in a political battle over regulations that the agency is preparing to issue that could affect operations at thousands of oil and gas wells."

Source: Wash Post, 04/19/2016

Consensus: "Virtually All Climate Scientists Agree Warming Is Manmade"

"Ninety to 100 percent of climate scientists agree that the planet is warming due to human activity, according to a peer-reviewed paper published Wednesday in the journal Environmental Research Letters. The study, called a 'consensus on consensus,' synthesizes findings from prior published research."

Source: InsideClimate News, 04/19/2016

"Texas Power Players Sit Out Political Opposition To Clean Power Plan"

"Texas is one of the states leading the fight against the Clean Power Plan. If you ask almost any statewide office holder they'll tell you the plan is bad for the economy. ... It may come as a surprise then, that energy companies here are not as unanimous in their opposition. That's because Texas' energy sector is transforming rapidly."

Source: NPR, 04/19/2016


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