Climate Change

‘Our Culture Is Dying’: Rising Waters Menace More Than Land In Louisiana

"THIBODAUX, Louisiana --  Louise St. Pierre paints pictures of shacks and swamps on the insides of oyster shells – tiny scenes of Cajun culture she sees washing away amid the rising saltwater and periodic floods inundating southern Louisiana."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn, 07/06/2017

"Jerry Brown to Announce a Climate Summit Meeting in California"

"On Thursday evening, Governor Brown will mount a new challenge to the administration on climate change. In a videoconference address to a global citizen festival in Hamburg, Germany, where President Trump and other officials will negotiate wording of a statement on the Paris climate change accord, Governor Brown will issue a sweeping invitation to a global 'climate action' summit meeting in San Francisco."

Source: NY Times, 07/06/2017

"With a Tick Boom, It’s Not Just Lyme Disease You Have to Fear"

"Everybody knows about Lyme disease. But experts say the Northern United States may be in for a bad tick season this summer, raising concerns about Lyme and other scary tick-borne diseases, including the Powassan virus, which causes encephalitis and can leave people with permanent neurological damage."

Source: NY Times, 07/05/2017

"Angela Merkel Predicts Showdown With U.S. Over Climate at G-20"

"In forceful remarks before Germany’s Parliament on Thursday, Chancellor Angela Merkel vowed to defend the ­international climate agreement spurned by the Trump administration, anticipating a difficult meeting of the leaders of the world’s major economies next week in Hamburg."

Source: Washington Post, 06/30/2017


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