"Climate: Court Tosses More HFC Standards"
"Federal judges today scrapped another Obama-era effort to crack down on planet-warming gases used in refrigeration and cooling."
"Federal judges today scrapped another Obama-era effort to crack down on planet-warming gases used in refrigeration and cooling."
"The state of California filed a lawsuit on Friday seeking to force two federal agencies to provide data they used to justify rolling back landmark Obama-era vehicle emission standards, accusing the Trump administration of “willfully withholding” information."
"A climate science advisory panel disbanded by the Trump administration released a report today outlining the steps communities can take to prepare for climate change."
"A new committee formed by House Democrats to address climate change held its first hearing on Thursday, welcoming young leaders in the Green movement."
It's hard to tell the difference between content produced by the Washington Post's newsroom and a paid advertisement from the American Petroleum Institute.
"There’s good news for the Chesapeake Bay this year. Underwater grasses are at the highest level on record — an important sign of water quality. Blue crabs are being harvested at a sustainable level — meaning there are enough to feed hungry Marylanders while still leaving plenty in the water to reproduce. More than a million acres of land in the Chesapeake watershed have been permanently protected from development since 2010 — preventing the polluted runoff associated with building houses, roads and shopping centers."
"The Army Corps of Engineers is embarking on studies of potential improvements to the east bank and West Bank hurricane levee systems because portions of the post-Katrina levee system are likely to be inadequate to reduce risk from stormwater surges created by a so-called 100-year storm as early as 2023."
"For millenniums, ecosystems have withstood fires, floods, heat waves, drought and even disease by adapting and rebuilding their biodiverse communitiesBut according to new research, there is a limit to what even the largest and most resilient places can stand, and climate change is testing that limit by repeatedly disturbing one of the earth’s most precious habitats: the Great Barrier Reef."
"Exxon Mobil Corp is not required to let its shareholders vote on setting greenhouse gas targets, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said on Tuesday, agreeing with the company’s request to reject the proposal."
"Major cities across the United States are facing increasingly clogged roads and have had frustratingly little success in dealing with them. But now that New York has adopted congestion pricing in Manhattan, the rest of the country is far more likely to seriously consider embracing such a policy — even though it was once considered politically toxic, according to municipal officials and transportation analysts."