Climate Change

"Climate Change-Driven Insurance Crisis Threatens New US States"

"After major providers quit California, Florida, and Louisiana, insurers are starting to pull back in other U.S. states, leaving homeowners struggling to find affordable cover for the risk of being hit by floods, wildfires or hurricanes."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn., 05/06/2024

Arizona Boosts Protections From Extreme Heat After 100s Died Last Summer

"Arizona’s new heat officer said Friday that he is working with local governments and nonprofit groups to open more cooling centers and ensure homes have working air conditioners this summer in a more unified effort to prevent another ghastly toll of heat-related deaths, which topped 900 statewide last year."

Source: AP, 05/06/2024

"Methane Emissions From Gas Flaring Being Hidden From Satellite Monitors"

"Energy companies operating in countries such as the US, UK, Germany and Norway appear to have installed technology that could stop researchers from identifying methane, carbon dioxide emissions and pollutants at industrial facilities involved in the disposal of unprofitable natural gas, known in the industry as flaring."

Source: Guardian, 05/03/2024

"Florida Says No to Federal Funding Aimed at Greenhouse Gas Emissions"

"Florida gave up $3 million in federal grant funding and as much as $500 million more by declining to participate in a Biden administration program aimed at helping states address the human-caused emissions warming the global climate."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/02/2024

"Minnesota’s Biggest Solar Project Will Help Replace A Huge Coal Plant"

"One of the largest solar projects in the country is moving closer to completion, and it’s not in a famously sunny state like California, Texas, or even Florida. It’s in Minnesota, on former potato farms near the site of a retiring coal plant."

Source: Canary Media, 05/02/2024

"Increasingly Frequent Ocean Heat Waves Trigger Mass Die-Offs of Sealife"

"Over the past several years, the temperature of the Earth’s oceans have been spiking high enough to trigger numerous die-offs of marine species, killing millions of corals, fish, mammals, birds and plants. Those mass die-offs also have sent a wave of emotional trauma washing over some researchers watching their life’s work vanish before their eyes."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/02/2024


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