Climate Change

June 25, 2012 to June 27, 2012

The Mediterranean City: A Conference on Climate Change Adaptation

This conference in Los Angeles, organized by the Council for Watershed Health, will feature leaders from five Mediterranean regions of the world gathering to discuss reducing the vulnerability of natural and human systems to the effects of climate change. NOTE: An additional panelist is needed for the June 26th lunch session "Media as a Partner in Development."


"Melting Arctic May Redraw Global Geopolitical Map"

"This year's frenzy of oil and gas exploration in newly accessible Arctic waters could be the harbinger of even starker changes to come. If, as many scientists predict, currently inaccessible sea lanes across the top of the world become navigable in the coming decades, they could redraw global trading routes -- and perhaps geopolitics -- forever."

Source: Reuters, 04/06/2012


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