
October 24, 2023

Webinar: Assessing the Risk of PFAS From Land Applied Biosolids Vs. Other Common Exposure Pathways

The Mid-Atlantic Biosolids Association (MABA) and the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association invite journalists to a webinar at Noon ET examining the benefits of land-applied biosolids vs. the consequences of ineffectual land application bans in the name of reducing PFAS exposure.


Enviros Warn Of Intent To Sue Over Snail Species Near Nev. Lithium Mine

"In an ongoing legal battle with the Biden administration over a Nevada lithium mine, environmentalists are poised to return to court with a new approach accusing U.S. wildlife officials of dragging their feet on a year-old petition seeking endangered species status for a tiny snail that lives nearby."

Source: AP, 10/17/2023

Texas Quietly Sets Weak Cancer Risk Standard For Industrial Air Pollution

"The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has quietly proposed maintaining a target cancer-risk level for air pollution permits that scientists and public health officials consider inadequate to protect public health, especially for communities like those east of Houston that are exposed simultaneously to many sources of industrial emissions."

Source: Inside Climate News, 10/17/2023

Watchdog Finds La. Honeywell Chemical Plant Isn’t Reporting Emissions of CFCs

"U.S. chemical manufacturer Honeywell International released chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)—climate super-pollutants and ozone depleting substances that are banned except for limited uses under an international environmental agreement—according to a report released Oct. 10 by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), a non-profit environmental organization based in Washington, D.C."

Source: Inside Climate News, 10/17/2023

"Biden Announces Huge Hydrogen Investment. How Much Will It Help The Climate?"

"The Energy Department awarded up to $7 billion in grants for clean hydrogen “hubs,” but environmentalists warn some of the money could prop up fossil fuels and fail to cut emissions."

Source: Inside Climate News, 10/16/2023

"800,000 Tons Of Radioactive Waste From Pennsylvania Drilling Goes 'Missing'"

"Waste from the oil and gas industry contains toxic and radioactive substances. Disposal of this waste is supposed to be carefully tracked, but 800,000 tons of oil and gas waste from Pennsylvania oil and gas wells is unaccounted for, according to a recent study."

Source: EHN, 10/13/2023


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