
TOOLBOX: Labor Dept. Enforcement Data Tool Can Help Journalists

Workers exposed occupationally to toxic chemicals and other safety threats are often the first sign of danger to the general population. A new portal combining Labor Department enforcement databases offers environmental journalists a new tool for exploring such stories.

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Topics on the Beat: 

"ER Symptoms ‘Consistent’ With MCHM Exposure"

"Hundreds of West Virginia residents who sought emergency-room care in January were treated for symptoms that were 'consistent' with exposure to MCHM, the primary chemical that leaked from the Freedom Industries tank farm into the region’s Elk River drinking-water supply, according to a review made public Wednesday."

Source: Charleston Gazette, 04/24/2014

"Federal Probe Finds Regulatory Shortcomings Leading Up To West Blast"

"WEST, Texas -- Although the cause of the deadly blast at West Fertilizer Co. remains a mystery, a federal agency on Tuesday said the tragedy was preventable, citing shortcomings in existing regulations and standards at all levels of government."

Source: Houston Chronicle, 04/23/2014

A Year After West Blast, Support for Chemical Safety Reform Uncertain

"A year after the West Fertilizer explosion, the nation is taking its first steps to repair the failed system for preventing chemical accidents. But whether the fixes will work, or even become reality, remains to be seen. Sen. Barbara Boxer, who chairs the Senate environment and public works committee, noted the disaster’s first anniversary with a call for action."

Source: Dallas Morning News, 04/22/2014


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