Pesticide Combo Impacts Often Greater Than Sum of Parts: New Study
"Exposure to multiple fumigants commonly used together in California may increase cancer risk, says new report."
"Exposure to multiple fumigants commonly used together in California may increase cancer risk, says new report."
"Continuing a decades-old dispute, General Electric Co. is sharply objecting to a new federal plan that would force it to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to remove massive amounts of toxic chemicals from the Housatonic River, which the company polluted for nearly 50 years."
"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the nation’s chief food safety regulator, plans to start testing certain foods for residues of the world’s most widely used weed killer after the World Health Organization’s cancer experts last year declared the chemical a probable human carcinogen."
Bad as it is, the Flint drinking water disaster is hardly uncommon. Even though the law requires authorities to tell the public of dangerous levels of lead in drinking water, they often don't.
"A man-made chemical used in the manufacture of stain-resistant carpets, waterproof clothing, non-stick cooking pans and other products that make life less messy has spread so far through the environment that it can be found everywhere from the fish in the Delaware River to polar bears in the Arctic — and even some drinking water in North Jersey."
"As Mars joins the growing group of multinational food companies pledging to phase out artificial food coloring, its use remains widespread. Here’s why it matters."
"A new scientific study [documents] that organic food can substantially lower pesticide exposure in children from low-income families in both urban and rural areas."
"Residents of Flint, Michigan, began getting gravely ill and in some cases dying in summer 2014 in one of the worst outbreaks of Legionnaires' disease in U.S. history, and a county health director says attempts to find the source were hampered when the state wouldn't request federal assistance."
"How corporate-funded research is corrupting America’s courts and regulatory agencies".