
"Harvey's Flooding Blamed In Major Gasoline Spill In Texas"

"Hurricane Harvey's floodwaters triggered a spill of almost a half-million gallons of gasoline from two storage tanks along the Houston Ship Channel, marking the largest spill reported to date from a storm that slammed into the heart of Texas' huge petrochemical industry."

Source: AP, 09/13/2017

EPA Press Office Attacks Journalists à la Trump

The Trump Administration's EPA Press Office appears to have launched a personal attack on journalists for unfavorable coverage. WatchDog reports what happened when the Associated Press looked into possible pollution at Houston Superfund sites flooded by Hurricane Harvey.

SEJ Publication Types: 

After Harvey, Critics See Big Money Behind Lax Petrochemical Reporting

"In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, an exploding chemical plant and spikes in cancer-causing emissions are highlighting how little the public knows about potential dangers from the oil and chemical industries. Critics say one reason for the darkness: tons of campaign money."

Source: Texas Tribune, 09/12/2017

EPA Toxics Nominee Provided Koch-Funded Study In Chicago Petcoke Battle

"Advocates concerned about pollution from petroleum coke are worried an Ohio professor’s study downplaying the risks will gain new prominence now that he has been named to a key EPA post."

Source: Midwest Energy News, 09/12/2017

"Houston’s Floodwaters Are Tainted With Toxins, Testing Shows"

"Floodwaters in two Houston neighborhoods have been contaminated with bacteria and toxins that can make people sick, testing organized by The New York Times has found. Residents will need to take precautions to return safely to their homes, public health experts said."

Source: NY Times, 09/12/2017


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