Economy & Business

"Whole Foods Plunges as Organic Goes Mainstream"

"Why is Whole Foods stock down by 20% this morning? Results released after the close of markets yesterday showed the company’s growth flattening as more competitors muscle into its turf. There was a time when Whole Foods stood out for its focus on organic and specialty food, but that time is long gone, ...."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 05/08/2014

"Stanford to Purge $18 Billion Endowment of Coal Stock"

"Stanford University announced Tuesday that it would divest its $18.7 billion endowment of stock in coal-mining companies, becoming the first major university to lend support to a nationwide campaign to purge endowments and pension funds of fossil fuel investments."

Source: NY Times, 05/07/2014

"Unlimited Koch Cash Comes to New York"

"On Thursday, Judge Paul Crotty, who sits on the federal district court in Manhattan, reluctantly allowed unlimited contributions to independent political groups in New York State. 'Reluctantly,' in fact, doesn’t begin to describe how clenched the judge’s teeth were in writing this remarkable opinion, which eloquently describes the dangers of the very act he was allowing."

Source: NY Times, 05/02/2014

"Plant Breeders Release First 'Open Source Seeds'"

"A group of scientists and food activists is launching a campaign Thursday to change the rules that govern seeds. They're releasing 29 new varieties of crops under a new 'open source pledge' that's intended to safeguard the ability of farmers, gardeners, and plant breeders to share those seeds freely. It's inspired by the example of open source software, which is freely available for anyone to use, but cannot legally be converted into anyone's proprietary product."

Source: NPR, 04/17/2014


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