
Anything related to air quality, air pollution, or the atmosphere

"Trash, Toxic Emissions Up at Local Landfills"

"With more trash coming into Keystone Sanitary Landfill in Dunmore, dangerous air emissions are on the rise, a Sunday Times analysis of state records found. The review also found the state Department of Environmental Protection relies upon the landfills to monitor air quality and report problems."

Source: Scranton Times Tribune, 03/21/2011

"Delay in Coal Pollution Rules Took Toll in Lives"

"That it would take more than 20 years for federal regulators to finally propose toxic emissions standards for the power industry is testament to both the slow wheels of bureaucracy and the clout of the nation’s utility and coal interests, which bitterly — and for years, successfully — fought the controls, even as other industries bowed under."

Source: Green/NYT, 03/21/2011

"Health Groups Gird for Fight Over EPA's Power-Plant Toxics Rules"

"With the Obama administration required to put its plan for reducing toxic air pollution from coal-fired power plants on the table a week from today, the American Lung Association and other public health groups have started an early push to explain why U.S. EPA shouldn't flinch on the long-delayed rules."

Source: Greenwire, 03/10/2011

"As Ozone Decision Looms, EPA Finds Stronger Science"

"Recent studies suggest that smog-filled air kills more people and causes more breathing problems than previously thought, U.S. EPA scientists say in a new draft paper, but due to a procedural twist, the findings can't be taken into account as Administrator Lisa Jackson decides whether to set stricter limits than the George W. Bush administration chose in 2008."

Source: Greenwire, 03/10/2011


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