
GAO: USDA Must Act, Drive Down Dangerously High Poultry Pathogen Rates

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture must set strict pathogen limits for poultry products with the highest contamination rates and find ways to measure a poultry plant’s success with these new standards, according to a government report released Thursday."

Source: Wash Post, 10/21/2014

"Farmers Gain Weapon Against Devastating Pig Virus"

""A disease that killed off at least 10 percent of the nation’s hogs in the last year is starting to threaten farmers again as colder weather approaches. But they have new tools to fight the ailment, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. The Agriculture Department has conditionally approved two vaccines, and a third is on the horizon."

Source: NY Times, 10/10/2014

Chesapeake Cleanup Would Bring Economic Benefit Of $22.5 Billion: Study

The Chesapeake Bay region would reap an additional $22.5 billion a year from improved hurricane protection, crab and fish production and climate stability if the Obama administration's contested plan to clean up the watershed proceeds, an environmental group says."

Source: AP, 10/07/2014

Freelancers and Fellowships: A Path for Growth

Perhaps the biggest value in fellowships is that they can provide a base of knowledge about issues a journalist has not yet investigated. And there’s no telling when that knowledge will come in handy. Read how freelancer Lisa Palmer's experiences with fellowships profoundly shaped her career, and explore resources to help you find a program that will best suit your needs.

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