
Big-Ag-Fueled Algae Bloom Won't Leave Toledo's Water Supply Alone

As August warms waters seasonally in many parts of the U.S., harmful algal blooms are causing health hazards. A prime example is Toledo, where high levels of an algal toxin made city drinking water unusable last year. Algal blooms in the warm, shallow Lake Erie are worsened by agricultural runoff. With climate warming, new algal blooms are showing up in new places, like the Pacific Ocean.

Source: Mother Jones, 08/06/2015

Idaho Judge Strikes Down 'Ag-Gag' Law, Raising Questions in Other States

"Idaho's so-called 'ag-gag' law, which outlawed undercover investigations of farming operations, is no more. A judge in the federal District Court for Idaho decided Monday that it was unconstitutional, citing First Amendment protections for free speech. But what about the handful of other states with similar laws on the books?"

Source: NPR, 08/05/2015
August 12, 2015

DEADLINE: IJNR Chesapeake Bay Institute

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources will take journalists to Maryland, Sep 15-20, 2015, to explore threats to the Chesapeake Bay region, including nonpoint source pollution, depleted fisheries, and a population that grows by 100,000 residents each year. Apply by Aug 12.



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