
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

Reporting on Environmental Solutions and Equity — at a Watershed Scale

Reporting on interconnected ecosystems lends itself to better environmental stories, and so tracing how water moves across landscapes, communities, industries and regulatory schemes can help the public connect the dots. That’s how Annie Ropeik, who helps run the Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk, sees the watershed beat. She shares expert views and offers insights for environment journalists to use in their reporting.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Seabed Mining May Dredge Up Real Minerals, Fishy Worries in 2024

The mining of the ocean floor has stirred up significant debate, much of which clouds the realities of whether and to what degree it would cause ecological harm to one of the world’s greatest resources. This week’s TipSheet looks more closely at the controversy, which may well come to a head in the coming year. The latest entry in SEJournal’s 2024 Journalists’ Guide to Environment and Energy.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Fossil Firms Spent Millions On Lawmakers Who Sponsored Anti-Protest Bills

"Fossil fuel companies have spent millions of dollars on lobbying and campaign donations to state lawmakers who sponsored anti-protest laws – which now shield about 60% of US gas and oil operations from protest and civil disobedience, according to a new report from Greenpeace USA."

Source: Guardian, 10/25/2023

Feds OK Natural Gas Pipeline Expansion In Pacific Northwest Over Protests

"Federal regulators on Thursday approved the expansion of a natural gas pipeline in the Pacific Northwest over the protest of environmental groups and top officials in West Coast states, who said it goes against the region’s plans to address climate change and could pose a wildfire risk."

Source: AP, 10/20/2023
November 6, 2023 to November 10, 2023

Semana do Jornalismo de Ambiente 2023

Liga para a Protecção da Natureza (LPN) apresenta em 2023 a segunda edição da Semana do Jornalismo de Ambiente. O evento terá lugar nas tardes de 6 a 10 de novembro na Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento, em Lisboa, Portugal.

October 24, 2023

Webinar: Assessing the Risk of PFAS From Land Applied Biosolids Vs. Other Common Exposure Pathways

The Mid-Atlantic Biosolids Association (MABA) and the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association invite journalists to a webinar at Noon ET examining the benefits of land-applied biosolids vs. the consequences of ineffectual land application bans in the name of reducing PFAS exposure.



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