"Greenland Condemns Greenpeace Arctic Oil Protest"
"Greenland has condemned as illegal a protest by Greenpeace activists who scaled an oil rig in a bid to prevent a British company from drilling in Arctic waters off the North Atlantic island."
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.
"Greenland has condemned as illegal a protest by Greenpeace activists who scaled an oil rig in a bid to prevent a British company from drilling in Arctic waters off the North Atlantic island."
In Brazil, the third activist leader in a week opposing destruction of the Amazon rain forest was murdered.
"José Cláudio Ribeiro da Silva fought against illegal loggers and had received death threats but was refused police protection."
"A federal judge in Utah on Monday tossed Koch Industries’s lawsuit against the pranksters who set up a fake website and sent out a bogus press release saying the company had found religion on climate change."
One UK blogger thinks that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) risks alienating supporters by using pornographic posters to promote its cause. PETA has proven expert over the years at getting free publicity by creating controversy. Should we even be covering this coverage?
"A federal judge will decide whether to allow a lawsuit to move forward alleging two major chemical companies, Dow and Sasol North America, used a private security firm to spy on environmental groups in Louisiana and Washington, D.C."
"Texans pride themselves on being the heart of the nation’s oil and gas business. But even here, public concern about natural gas drilling is growing."
"Earth Day Network and Facebook are collaborating to engage people worldwide in environmental action through the Billion Acts of Green campaign. The two organizations have created a new application to motivate people to reduce their impact on the environment."
EPA and Justice Department officials in the Obama administration are putting more emphasis on environmental justice -- an effort to reduce the greater hazards faced by poor and minority communities. But that job is not easy, especially in the face of industry resistance.
Some 10,000 young activists descend on Washington, DC, this weekend to train, network, lobby, and demonstrate on climate change in an event called Power Shift. On dirty energy, they suspect President Obama has goe over to the dark side.