
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

"Senate Democrats’ All-Nighter Flags Climate Change"

"WASHINGTON — In the summer of 2010, it was Harry Reid, the Senate’s Democratic leader, who squelched his party’s efforts to pass a climate change bill, declaring it could never attract enough votes to pass. In the years since, he has rarely spoken publicly about the issue. But on Monday night, an impassioned Mr. Reid took to the Senate floor to kick off a nearly 15-hour climate-change talkathon by about 30 Senate Democrats, part of a campaign by a new Senate 'climate caucus' to make it a politically urgent issue."

Source: NY Times, 03/11/2014

"Keystone XL Opponents Turn Attention To U.S. Crude Oil Export Ban"

"WASHINGTON -- As the years-long fight over the Keystone XL pipeline grinds toward resolution, green groups are broadening their focus to include the possibility that the Obama administration will loosen curbs on how much oil and gas the United States exports."

Source: Reuters, 03/04/2014

"Environmental Groups Resort to Suing Industries Directly"

"Starting Monday, a federal judge in Waco will hear arguments from the Sierra Club that Luminant Generation Company, the state’s largest electric generator, has been spewing far more pollution into the air from an East Texas coal plant than is allowed by federal and state law."

Source: NY Times, 02/24/2014

"Water Safety Threatened By North Carolina Coal Ash Spill, Group Says"

"EDEN, N.C. – An environmental group Thursday challenged Duke Energy’s assurances that drinking water from the Dan River in North Carolina and Virginia remained safe despite a massive spill of toxic coal ash that released a deluge of murky gray sludge into the river Sunday."

Source: LA Times, 02/07/2014


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