
Annual Land & Water Conservation Fund Dollars Announced

The states, territories, and Washington, DC, will share $37.4 million doled out through the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund. The grants, administered by the National Park Service, match funding provided by states and local entities, and are supposed to be used for local parks, recreation, and conservation projects.

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FWS Proposes To Expand Hunting at 10 Wildlife Refuges

Hunting, under certain conditions, is already allowed at more than 300 of the 553 sites in the National Wildlife Refuge System. Contact local environmental, animal rights, and hunting groups for opinions for or against these proposals that would allow additional species to be killed at 10 refuges in 8 states.

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Most Plastic Products Found Toxic, But Alternatives May Exist

Nearly 500 combined-plastic products tested induced estrogenic activity. Other plastic products did not, and would cost about the same to use in lieu of the EA-inducing products. But, there are other modes of toxicity besides EA, so product testing should include carcinogenicity, immune disruption, neurological damage, etc.

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West Coast Damage May Presage Future Climate Change Effects

The effects of the 2009-2010 El Niño winter on western shorelines may be an indicator of what could occur more frequently as climate change continues, say researchers from the USGS, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Washington State Department of Ecology, University of California, Santa Cruz, Oregon State University, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

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"Clean Economy" Jobs Exceed Fossil Fuels Or Bioscience Sectors

A report from Brooking Institution and Battelle's Technology Partnership Practice says there are about 2.7 million direct "clean economy" jobs nationwide, including those in industries such as wastewater, mass transit, solar photovoltaic, wind, fuel cells, smart grid, biofuels, batteries, green chemical products, and lighting.

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EPA To Issue Long Overdue Standards for Oil & Gas Facilities

Two and a half years after being sued, EPA is under a twice-extended court deadline to release by July 28, 2011, proposed standards which will address air toxics from oil production facilities and natural gas production, processing, transmission, and storage facilities.

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EPA May Finally Release Final Ozone Standards

The standards were initially scheduled to be released in August 2010, then October 2010, after EPA determined that the ones approved during the George W. Bush administration weren't grounded in science, didn't protect public health with an adequate margin of safety, and didn't protect the environment.

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Central U.S. Is Home to Miscanthus Biomass Crop Projects

The US Dept. of Agriculture is providing financial support for farmers to grow the grass in four project areas in four states. The goal is to substantially increase production of the crop, and USDA estimates about 4,000 jobs will be created.

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