Inside Story

Raising Questions about Unequal Justice in Contamination Case

After an EPA Superfund settlement was rebuffed by a small town, a local environmental advocate goes to jail while executives behind a chemical plant contamination remain free. In the latest Q&A for our Inside Story column, we hear from investigative reporter Sharon Lerner of The Intercept about the complex challenges of telling this award-winning tale.

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Award-Winner Looks Ahead to Prospects of a Perfect Storm

Extreme weather hypotheticals can be hard to cover. But when news teams Texas Tribune and ProPublica partnered on an award-winning investigation into how a major hurricane in Houston could kill thousands and cripple the national economy, they produced an innovative digital reporting package that brought home the human impacts.

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Reporting Science, Side-by-Side with the Scientists

An award-winning radio series takes us along for the ride as reporter and editor work to cover the cutting edge of climate change research. Inside Story interviews the pair to explore not only how they pulled the package together, but also how you can advance your own reporting, working directly with scientists in the field.

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Topics on the Beat: 

Infrastructure — Covering the Hidden, Neglected Stories

With the nation's infrastructure suddenly atop the political agenda, thanks to incoming President Trump, Circle of Blue reporter Brett Walton talks with SEJournal Online about his award-winning series on the neglected risks of septic system pollution, in our latest 'Inside Story' Q&A. 

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