National (U.S.)

Letting the Reader See Your Editorial Judgments Might Enhance Them

For purely journalistic reasons, reporters could periodically write about those things they had decided not to cover: Their rationale and providing links, even, for those wanting to know more. They can thereby open the doors to their own internal news decision-making, let the public see in, all in the interest of their better understanding the news-making process.

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Veteran Newspaper Writer Finds Teaching's Hidden Pleasures



We're midway through an academic quarter at Western Washington University's Planet magazine, and it's time for second-draft panic.

The spring of 2009 is our student environmental magazine's 30th Anniversary, and we've got stories with no point, stories with gaping holes, stories that ignore AP style, stories with no lead, stories that stop instead of end, stories with no pictures, and pictures with no stories.

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