National (U.S.)

"Climate Change and 'Balanced' Coverage"

News accounts often present a false balance between the central estimate of 5 or 6 degrees Fahrenheit global warming (for doubled carbon dioxide) and much lower estimates put forth by fossil-industry-funded "skeptics" at the fringes of legitimate science. In fact, the skeptics' take should be balanced by the real worst-case estimate from mainstream science: 18 or 20 degrees of warming.

Source: Green (NYT), 12/23/2010

"Salinas, California: The Salad Bowl of Pesticides"

Alarm bells are being set off by a new study of the families of California farm workers exposed to pesticides. It finds much higher levels of pervasive developmental disorder among children of mothers exposed to higher levels of neurotoxicant organophosphate pesticides.

Source: AOLNews, 12/23/2010

"E.P.A. Challenges Texas Over Rules on Emissions"

"HOUSTON — The feud between Texas and the Environmental Protection Agency reached a new level this week, with federal officials saying that they will take over the granting of permits for new power plants and refineries in the state because Texas refuses to regulate its emissions of greenhouse gases."

Source: NYTimes, 12/23/2010

"Appeals Court: Organic Farm Can Seek Damages From Pesticide Company"

A California state appeals court ruled that an organic farmer can seek damages from a pesticide company whose product was applied to neighboring fields and contaminated the organic farmer's fields by volatilization rather than spray drift.

Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel, 12/23/2010

"Conflict of Interest Questions Raised in Blowout Preventer Testing"

"A Transocean supervisor who worked on the Deepwater Horizon rig before it exploded has since participated in an investigation of the blowout preventer that failed to stop gushing oil from the well it was drilling — a possible conflict of interest that a congressional critic says threatens the integrity of the probe."

Source: FuelFix, 12/23/2010


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