Climate Change Gets Prime Spot At Wednesday’s Democratic Convention
"Climate change will get a star-studded, prime-time spot at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday with a short film from James Cameron and Maria Wilhelm."
"Climate change will get a star-studded, prime-time spot at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday with a short film from James Cameron and Maria Wilhelm."
"ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK, Colo. -- Visitors at the Beaver Meadows entrance here marvel over their first glimpse of thick ponderosa pine stands rolling out like a welcome mat to the snow-capped Rocky Mountains. But the meadows that should be filled with native bunchgrasses and flowers instead are covered with cheatgrass."
"Rising sea levels due to hurricanes and tidal flooding intensified by climate change will put military bases along the U.S. East Coast and Gulf Coast at risk, according to a report released on Wednesday."
"A mysterious green residue started coating golfers’ shoes last spring at Rye Golf Club. Players joked about wiping the gunk off, but angry questions mounted as the lush course transformed into a field of dustbowls."
"Environmental groups won a partial victory last week in their campaign to make sure Peabody Energy cleans up its coal mines, a growing concern as the company is going through Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings."
"Long before wind and solar, water was the nation’s top renewable energy source. Going back some 100 years, the United States built enormous dams — like the Depression-era Hoover Dam in Nevada — to produce tremendous amounts of energy."
"The oil-train boom is waning almost as quickly as it began."
"The top state prosecutors in New York and Massachusetts said on Tuesday they will refuse to comply with a subpoena from U.S. congressmen for details on their investigations into whether Exxon Mobil misled investors on climate change risks."
"Donald Trump may have been grabbing headlines in Cleveland [last] week, but over in Europe it looks like he’s just lost an ongoing, albeit more low-profile battle."
"American fishermen are digging in for a fight over a proposal to shut down the vestiges of the U.S. harvest of shark fins, prized for soup and traditional medicine in Asia, and send a message to the rest of the world."